About the lake.

Silver Lake was a glacier created over 10,000 years ago and was previously inhabited by silver salmon. The title for land on the lake was first issued in 1891. With its rich history as a local destination, today it is now a blossoming community.

Our parks.

Silver Lake hosts three separate parks that are all linked by the Silver Lake Loop trail: Hauge Homestead Park, Green Lantern Park, Thornton A. Sullivan Park.


Silver Lake Early History with David Dilgard from the Everett Public Library Northwest Room. Created in 2007 by EverettTV-21, it was based on slideshow presentation "Silver Lake...Yesterday" David presented for Historic Everett on February 18, 2006 and similar presentations for the Silver Lake neighborhood group (SLAC). For more information on historic preservation events and education, visit HistoricEverett.org or email HistoricEverett@gmail.com. Also, follow Historic Everett on Facebook.